Chanel Spray Paint Can (510g/18oz) - 2019
This document certifies that the artwork titled: ‘Chanel Spray Paint Can (510g/18oz)’ realized in 2019 is an original work. This certificate was issued on 08/17/2019 by the artist Antonio Brasko, and attests that the identified work is an original of the artist and guarantees the authenticity.
Serial # 08172019-001
Artist: Antonio Brasko
Title: Chanel Spray Paint Can (510g/18oz)
Limited Edition: 1/500 (Original/Signed)
Medium: Poly-Resin, Acrylic, Spray Paint
Dimensions: 4 x 2” (11.4 cm x 12.7 cm)
Year Created: 2019
Year Purchased: